Becoming A Patient at the Vancouver Spine Surgery Institute
In order to become a patient of the Vancouver Spine Surgery Institute, you must have a complete and detailed referral submitted by your family physician that outlines their physical assessment and clinical concerns in detail. Each referral received is first triaged in the Rapid Access Clinic (RAC) by our team of specialty trained advance practice physiotherapists who work in close conjunction with the surgeons. The purpose of RAC is to ensure that patients receive a timely assessment of their spinal condition to best direct their future care needs. Research has demonstrated that approximately 70% of patients referred to the program do not require surgical intervention for their back or neck pain. The Rapid Access Clinic ensures that those patients who require a surgical consult will be seen expeditiously with the appropriate VGH spine surgeon for their specific condition. If surgery intervention is not warranted, both you and your family physician will receive appropriate and clear direction for the non-surgical treatment that is best for your condition.
As a primary trauma centre in British Columbia, we receive a high volume of referrals each day. Referrals are processed in a timely manner and appointments issued based on the urgency and severity of each individual case and condition.
Clinic Phone: 604-875-4992
Clinic Fax: 604-875-5858
Patient Care Instructions
Once you have been given a surgery date, you will receive a complete information package including details on how to prepare for your surgery and details regarding your required pre-admission clinic appointment date.
Following surgery and prior to discharge from hospital, patients will be given post-operative instructions and details on booking a follow-up appointment to see their surgeon.
VGH Pre-Admission

Pre-Operative Education Booklet

Laminectomy Exercise

Discectomy & Laminectomy Education Booklet

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery